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A Caring Safe Place offers housing and supportive services to its residents. The following supportive services are available to eligible applicants:
Case Management: Case Management services are available to all residents and a limited number of non-residents. Case Management services assist clients with gaining access to local, state, and federal government benefits and services, in addition to linkage and access to health and psychological services. This increases clients’ access to services, reduces barriers to service, improves client advocacy services, and promotes the continuity of care so that clients may function interdependently during each stage of their chronic illness, utilizing public, private, and community resources.
HIV/STD Education and Prevention Services: HIV/STD Education and Prevention Services are available to anyone over the age of 18 seeking services. Services are provided via individual or group settings. Participants are educated on HIV and STD (sexually transmitted diseases) infections, symptoms, modes of transmission, and prevention methods. Condoms and educational materials are distributed to participants.
Intake and Assessment: An Intake and thorough Bio-Psychosocial Assessment is completed for each client seeking services at the agency. This process is designed to assess each client’s needs in efforts to ensure appropriate service delivery. In instances where a client is inappropriate or ineligible for services at A Caring Safe Place, appropriate referrals are made to organizations better suited to meet the individual’s needs.
Housing Information and Resource Identification: Housing Information and Resource Identification services are designed to empower and assist individuals seeking services with information and education on available community resources for housing and other services in addition to identifying and providing appropriate referrals for such services. Those seeking this service are not entering ACSP’s housing services, but needing assistance with locating suitable affordable housing, etc., and may access other supportive services offered by the agency.
Care Coordination: Care Coordination and Service Linkage services ensure that all clients are linked to medical, dental, and other vital health care services. This service is available to anyone needing linkage to medical care.
Mental Health Counseling: Mental Health Counseling services are provided by a licensed clinician to eligible clients with mental health illness and/or substance abuse history. Services are provided via Individual or Group sessions. The length of service varies per client.
Peer-Facilitated Education and Prevention Groups: Peer Facilitated Education and Prevention Groups are facilitated by HIV positive peer educators, who have undergone HIV education training provided by the City of Houston or the Centers for Disease Control. CDC approved education/intervention curriculum is utilized.
Recovery Support Program Services: Recovery Support Program Services aims to combat substance abuse at its roots, and provide the participants with the tools necessary for sobriety and to remain sober. The Recovery Support provides a series of three-hour follow-up sessions over eight weeks.
Life Management Skills Training: Life Skills Training Groups are conducted weekly to residents of the Transitional Living Program. Clients attend two life skills groups per week. Some topics include but are not limited to behavior modification, time management, problem solving, decision making, planning, organization, attitude, and motivation.
Street Outreach Services: Street Outreach Services are designed to provide HIV education in addition to HIV testing and identifying newly diagnosed HIV positive persons with the intent to link them to primary and ancillary care services.
Nutritional Counseling/Services: Nutritional Counseling and Educational services are provided to PLWH/As as part of the agency’s efforts to assist clients with healthy eating. Healthy nutrition is especially important to PLWH/As since compromised immune systems greatly deteriorate the body’s strength.
Financial Planning: provides individually tailored money management, saving, and budgeting information to clients. Clients work with Staff to create a financial plan outlining goals and steps necessary to accomplish and adhere to the financial service plan.
Treatment Referral: Each client requesting services at A Caring Safe Place receives a thorough psychosocial and Substance Abuse Screening. Appropriate referrals are made to collaborating inpatient treatment facilities if clients do not present with 30 days of sobriety from drugs and/or alcohol.
Service Delivery Areas: A Caring Safe Place provides the majority of all service in Harris County, but has provided varying services to PLWH/As from other areas in the Houston EMSA/HSDA, which includes Harris, San Jacinto, Austin, Liberty, Chambers, Galveston, Chambers, Waller, Ft. Bend, Brazoria and Montgomery Counties. The agency has successfully provided services to clients in these counties by having staff available or via coordination of services with service providers in such counties. In addition, staff provides in-reach services targeting soon to be released incarcerated males.
Eligibility: Applicants must be at least 18 years of age or older, homeless or marginally homeless, have a substance abuse history, and diagnosis of specific chronic illnesses.